Who writes here?
My name is Desiree and was born in 1988 near beautiful Lake Constance in the very south of Germany. Now I live with my husband and our two pacific parrotlets in the
Why parrotlets?
Many years had passed before we, my husband and I, take notice of the little parrotlets.
But in turn: In Mannheim (south west of Germany), where we have been living for some years, medium-sized green parrots have been making the area unsafe for some time: They gathering in large numbers on trees and doing what parrots can do best (besides eating and sleeping 😉 ): Scream. Not unpleasant but very loud and very exotic. After a short research, it was also clear which bird or rather parrot species caused these exotic sounds: Wild ring-necked parakeets! After we also realized that they are not so easy to catch (joke!) and other pets than birds due to various animal allergies for us are out of the question, we continued to research and came across lineolated parakeet. This birds appealed to us because of their size and relatively quiet voice. Unfortunately, we found no breeders or animals in our area, so we continued to research and encountered parrotlets. After intensive research and watching various YouTube videos, we fall in love with this little birds. Since we also found some breeders in our area, the addition to the family was almost save.
At the first breeder, we unfortunately noticed that the animals were bred there purely out of greed. Separated by gender and far too small cages, the poor animals staged their lives in the living room. The worst: In the cage of the males was a dead parrotlet on the floor – to the regret of the breeder the most expensive one. Horrified, we left quickly. You can not and should not support such a breeder, even if it hurts a lot and you would like to buy the whole stock. Today, I would report it to the veterinary office but then we were unfortunately just shocked.
A few days later, we were luckier with the next breeder and finally went home with two cute, little green pair of Pacific Parrotlets. We called them Freddy and Wilma (Flintstone).
Why this blog?
This blog is mainly aimed at people who play with the idea to purchase parrotlets (please always as a blood-strange couple or if you have a lot of space as a swarm (from three couples)) or at people who are recently owner of parrotlets and still have many questions about keeping, behavior, cages and cage setups, food etc.
At this point, I would also like to point out that all information on this blog has been compiled to the best of my knowledge and belief and based on my personal experience.
For serious problems and difficulties, I advise every bird owner as soon as possible to visit a avian veterinarian as only they can create a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapies. Why an avian veterinarian? Birds have a very different anatomy than mammals. Veterinarians therefore require special additional training in order to be familiar with the physical conditions (e.g., grit stomach) and be able to treat birds properly.